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239. 『http://p.sallow.co/5a4j.html』についてのコメントGoogleYouTube

Gov Jesse Ventura I live in Maywood,CA and “Union Member” WV and I was drugged by own peer while my celebrating and I wanted to file a police report And they refuse to investigate which makes me suspect they were all connected and were trying to conspire against because they don’t understand my understanding, But they broke the law and it’s a criminal act against Humanity and to destabilize undesirables, they wanted to keep my mind weak to imprison. Please try contacting there trying to keep me paranoid and plotting to imprison me,and theres a lot of youth here that are being destabilize just because we don’t accept there way. Please just give me advice and how to clear my name cause i’m not a bad person they just don’t understand they can’t do that and they broke the law, some people should go to jail. I did speak to the police but they seem scared of me talking about it. I beg you help me I’m only 20 years old I live Maywood,CA And do have evidence to prove myself! But I know you can make them understand me! They think i’m crazy cause I try following in your steps and doing the right thing. There Igorot fools that have to much power and something need to STOP this soon! PLEASE come to MAYWOOD,CA or LA! HELP ME!
http://p.sallow.co/5a4j.html http://p.sallow.co/5a4j/
[#1](ygxpze) 2017-12-20 03:30:00