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239. 『3j.sallow.co』についてのコメントGoogleYouTube

Had a dream last eve… In a field with an unknown man… “things” were in these fields but as I would turn to look back, “things” were gone… the things missing happened 3 times and started to wonder if This man, thought I may have had something to do with “Things” missing. Looked to my right and see a Black wolf coming into the area of where we were. Pointed to the black wolf and the man ran so much faster than I and wanted to hide in a “SAFE” ??? I watched him run before me leaving me behind. I, then turned and the Black wolf was approaching me face to face. I, felt fear but also, a defeat of sorts. I raised my hands and stood my ground facing this mud covered face of the black wolf. I, stated whoa, He stopped, slight growl and I repeated again… He stood his ground and we faced each other. Any thoughts?
3j.sallow.co http://3j.sallow.co/r4uz/
[#1](rplylg) 2017-12-15 01:15:48