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239. 『n0.disunite.asia』についてのコメントGoogleYouTube

i dream i was at a concert at my school and some people who didn’t like me was trying to make fun of me, but i try my best not to react. i went to catch a bus to go home, the bus drop me off short so i had to walk the rest. when i started walking the road was nice and smooth, as i continued the road became muddy and a whole bunch of horses appeared. they were all muddy, but space out. i was afraid to pass, but since they were spaced out, i try to put my fear behind me and passed them one by one. but the road was really terrible. even though i was safe when i reached home, i still had that fear because i knew the horses were still outside. but instead of me reaching home, i was at work. i woke up after realising that i never reached home but was at work.
n0.disunite.asia http://n0.disunite.asia/?p=62
[#1](ltwmmd) 2017-12-14 22:02:50